Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is Success?

At 57, I see myself in the very middle of my life, reflecting on what I've done so far. I'm certainly not wealthy, but it does not matter to me; I am working in the field that I had always wanted to be a part of: Art. Not only that, but I am a fairly successful artist. I have plenty of clients to design for, a good name in the industry, and a loving family to support me. Even though I may not be famous, I can point to billboard or book covers and say, "I designed that!" It's a wonderful and strange feeling to see your art in so many places. Not only that, but I've been able to keep up with my own personal art. I have time after designing logos and illustrations for novels that I can work on pieces that express how I feel. Maybe they will get some recognition, or maybe they will never see the light of day, but either way, I am grateful to have time for my passions.

More important than my art, or my career, however, are the people I've had in my life. There are people's lives that I have made better, and people who have made my own life better, and that's the most I could ever wish for in life. I stand at the midpoint of my lifespan, knowing that I made a difference in the world, that I will be leaving it better than I found it, and that I still have many more years to make an even bigger difference.


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