Monday, December 15, 2008

Who Took my Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gredunza?

Although I know a couple key people in our English class who may look down on me for saying this, my favorite short story has to be The Cat in the Hat. It was my first book, and when I was little, I had memorized the whole thing and could recite it offhand, word for word. Sure, the vocabulary was limited at best, and the book probably did not consist of more than one-hundred different words, but The Cat in the Hat was an extremely important part of my formative years, and the story was charming and entertaining enough to survive the simplistic phrasing. It is a children's classic that has stood the test of time not only for me, but for children through all generations and countries.

Look at him, he's adorable. How can you not love him?

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